
Practical Tips to Help Talk to Youths about Alcohol and Drugs

Drug abuse is prevalent among young people with ages between 18 – 25 years. This is the age where most are pursuing their higher education. With drugs, having both short term and long term effects some young people end up in a drug addiction treatment centre.

At times some youths maybe hesitant to open up on their addiction, while some with be okay talking to someone they trust other than their families. This can be a teacher or someone they look up to.

When you suspect a youth is into drugs the best thing to do is not judge them instantly rather follow the due process to avoid stigmatizing them.

Below are some tips by Rise Recovery Services that can help you talk to youths about drugs and alcohol.

Collect sufficient information

The worst you can do is begin talking to youths when you do not have enough information on drugs. If you suspect a young person is abusing drugs, gather as much information as you can be regarding the drug so that you have enough knowledge before approaching them.

Organize a suitable time

Having a talk on drug abuse needs some time and privacy for better results. You can set aside time to speak to them in confidentiality and with less or zero interruptions. This will assure them that they can confine in you.

Avoid making assumptions

Assumptions can spoil an otherwise productive conversation about drug use. Observe signs and symptoms of drug abuse and then you can have an very interactive discussion such that they have time to share their perspective on drugs and you share your perspective. This will make them feel listened to.

Begin by making a general observation

The best tactic is to identify a change in their behaviour for example interaction, performance, association etc. This will make a good starting point for the conversation.

Prepare for a negative response

When you approach a young person on their drugs use, chances are they will get defensive because they do not view their drug addiction as a challenge. Try to avoid arguing when they try to resist and maintain calmness throughout the conversation.

Offer support

When talking to a young person about drugs, it is prudent to assure them of your support. Make it easy for them to reach out to you for help on overcoming drug addiction. When they feel you are ready to offer genuine support, mostly likely, you are the person they will run to.

Avoid lectures

Lecturing a young person or sounding judgmental can hinder the entire efforts and goals of the conversation. Try to avoid statements that will sound too judgemental.

Point out good qualities

You can pick one or two qualities of the person and leverage on them during the conversation. Youths are likely to listen to someone who values and listens to him or her.

Give them options

Change is not instant and overcoming drug addiction will be gradual. The best approach is to give the youths various options such as reducing uptake of drugs, visiting a drug addiction recovery centre or trying out natural ways to overcome addiction.